Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Library 2.0 - What it means to me

I am good with noticing buzzwords and trends but terrible with definitions and even understanding. If you asked me what Library 2.0 is I could give you examples of 2.0 environments (Flickr, MySpace, Wikis, Blogs, etc.) but that doesn't mean I could define it. I am forced to dig deeper though and ask myself what makes these things fall into the category of Library 2.0. Through this exercise, I see three things that make up a 2.0 technology.

1. One touch - With a click of a mouse or touch of an enter button, your contribution to the web is published and viewable. No middle man, no publisher, no editor.

2. Simplicity - The technology is not shrouded in code and tech-speak so as to inhibit practitioners in other areas from using the technology for their own purposes. In other words, most users can teach themselves the technology with little effort. The product is high end and the labor is low.

3. Social - With most of the 2.0 technologies, there is a component to contribute to the technology through comment boxes, friend lists, or bookmark clouds. What I produce can be shared with others, critiqued by others, or enjoyed by others and that is part of its purposes. The goal is for collaborations, conversations, and community.

All of this may sound simplistic to the professional but the list helps me to view Library 2.0 from a perspective where I can analyze its true value above a buzz word or trend.

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